1 minute to read
About This Task
This task searches for Visio files in the /src/docs
folder then exports all diagrams and element notes to /src/docs/images/visio
and /src/docs/visio
Images are stored as /images/visio/[filename]-[pagename].png
. Notes are stored as /visio/[filename]-[pagename].adoc
You can specify a filename to export notes to by starting any comment with {adoc:[filename].adoc}
It will then be written to /visio/[filename].adoc
Important Information About This Task
Currently, only Visio files stored directly in
are supported. All others will export to the wrong location. -
Before running this task, close any open Visio instance.
Further Reading and Resources
Show source code of scripts/exportVisio.gradle
or go directly to GitHub · docToolchain/scripts/exportVisio.gradle.
task exportVisio(
dependsOn: [streamingExecute],
description: 'exports all diagrams and notes from visio files',
group: 'docToolchain'
) {
doLast {
//make sure path for notes exists
//and remove old notes
new File(docDir, 'src/docs/visio').deleteDir()
//also remove old diagrams
new File(docDir, 'src/docs/images/visio').deleteDir()
//create a readme to clarify things
def readme = """This folder contains exported diagrams and notes from visio files.
Please note that these are generated files but reside in the `src`-folder in order to be versioned.
This is to make sure that they can be used from environments other than windows.
# Warning!
**The contents of this folder will be overwritten with each re-export!**
use `gradle exportVisio` to re-export files
new File(docDir, 'src/docs/images/visio/.').mkdirs()
new File(docDir, 'src/docs/images/visio/readme.ad').write(readme)
new File(docDir, 'src/docs/visio/.').mkdirs()
new File(docDir, 'src/docs/visio/readme.ad').write(readme)
def sourcePath = new File(docDir, 'src/docs/.').canonicalPath
def scriptPath = new File(projectDir, 'scripts/VisioPageToPngConverter.ps1').canonicalPath
"powershell ${scriptPath} -SourcePath ${sourcePath}".executeCmd()
Show source code of scripts/VisioPageToPngConverter.ps1
or go directly to GitHub · docToolchain/scripts/VisioPageToPngConverter.ps1.
# Convert all pages in all visio files in the given directory to png files.
# A Visio windows might flash shortly.
# The converted png files are stored in the same directory
# The name of the png file is concatenated from the Visio file name and the page name.
# In addtion all the comments are stored in adoc files.
# If the Viso file is named "MyVisio.vsdx" and the page is called "FirstPage"
# the name of the png file will be "MyVisio-FirstPage.png" and the comment will
# be stored in "MyVisio-FirstPage.adoc".
# But for the name of the adoc files there is an alternative. It can be given in the first
# line of the comment. If it is given in the comment it has to be given in curly brackes
# with the prefix "adoc:", e.g. {adoc:MyCommentFile.adoc}
# Prerequisites: Viso and PowerShell has to be installed on the computer.
# Parameter: SourcePath where visio files can be found
# Example powershell VisoPageToPngConverter.ps1 -SourcePath c:\convertertest\
Write-Output "starting to export visio"
If (!(Test-Path -Path $SourcePath))
Write-Warning "The path ""$SourcePath"" does not exist or is not accessible, please input the correct path."
# Extend the source path to get only Visio files of the given directory and not in subdircetories
If ($SourcePath.EndsWith("\"))
$SourcePath = "$SourcePath"
$SourcePath = "$SourcePath\"
$VisioFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$SourcePath*" -Recurse -Include *.vsdx,*.vssx,*.vstx,*.vxdm,*.vssm,*.vstm,*.vsd,*.vdw,*.vss,*.vst
Write-Warning "There are no Visio files in the path ""$SourcePath""."
$VisioApp = New-Object -ComObject Visio.Application
$VisioApp.Visible = $false
# Extract the png from all the files in the folder
Foreach($File in $VisioFiles)
$FilePath = $File.FullName
Write-Output "found ""$FilePath"" ."
$FileDirectory = $File.DirectoryName # Get the folder containing the Visio file. Will be used to store the png and adoc files
$FileBaseName = $File.BaseName -replace '[ :/\\*?|<>]','-' # Get the filename to be used as part of the name of the png and adoc files
$Document = $VisioApp.Documents.Open($FilePath)
$Pages = $VisioApp.ActiveDocument.Pages
Foreach($Page in $Pages)
# Create valid filenames for the png and adoc files
$PngFileName = $Page.Name -replace '[ :/\\*?|<>]','-'
$PngFileName = "$FileBaseName-$PngFileName.png"
$AdocFileName = $PngFileName.Replace(".png", ".adoc")
#TODO: this needs better logic
$AllPageComments = ""
ForEach($PageComment in $Page.Comments)
# Extract adoc filename from comment text if the syntax is valid
# Remove the filename from the text and save the comment in a file with a valid name
$EofStringIndex = $PageComment.Text.IndexOf(".adoc}")
if ($PageComment.Text.StartsWith("{adoc") -And ($EofStringIndex -gt 6))
$AdocFileName = $PageComment.Text.Substring(6, $EofStringIndex -1)
$AllPageComments += $PageComment.Text.Substring($EofStringIndex + 6)
$AllPageComments += $PageComment.Text+"`n"
If ($AllPageComments)
$AdocFileName = $AdocFileName -replace '[:/\\*?|<>]','-'
#TODO: this needs better logic
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "$SourcePath\visio\$AdocFileName"
if ($Document)
Write-Warning "One or more visio page(s) in file ""$FilePath"" have been lost in this converting."
Write-Warning "Error was: $_"
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